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A Report on The Second National Conference on PCK in English at Mazandaran Farhangian University

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A Report on The Second National Conference on PCK in English at Mazandaran Farhangian University
The Second National Conference on English Language Teaching at Farhangian University, with a focus on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), was held on Farvardin 30, 1397 (April 19, 2018)at Shariati Campus in Sari.




The Second National Conference on English Language Teaching at Farhangian University, with a focus on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), was held on Farvardin 30, 1397 (April 19, 2018)at Shariati Campus in Sari.

Farhangian University is a university of teacher education and human resources development for the Iranian Ministry of Education. It was established in 2012, with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and the integration of all teacher education centers in Iran. The primary role of Farhangian University is training and development of teachers. The headquarters of the University is located in Tehran with the university as a whole having 64 branches (Pardis/ Campuses) and 34 sub-branches (Markaz/ Centers)located throughout the provinces of Iran. Each branch is divided into various sub-branches. Today, more than 98 branches are operational. More than 50,000 student teachers are currently enrolled in Farhangian University.

Mazandaran Farhangian University

Provincial Administration Office of Mazandaran Farhangian University is located in Sari, the capital city of Mazandaran. There are also two male and female campuses in the same city (Shariati and SeddigheTahereh Campuses). In addition to these two campuses, there are four centers of the university located in the cities of Amol, Babol, Qaemshahr and Nowshahr. These campuses and centers include 1080 undergraduate students and 15 post-graduate students. Farhangian University of Mazandaran has 26 faculty members and more than 110 visiting instructors.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK is a type of knowledge that is unique to teachers, and is based on the manner in which teachers relate their pedagogical knowledge (what they know about teaching) to their subject matter knowledge (what they know about what they teach). In fact, pedagogical content knowledge integrates your knowledge of teaching - learning processes with your knowledge of English language.

In 1986, Lee Shulman, an educator and researcher, noticed that all students need teachers who are more than knowledgeable about their subjects. They also need one who can teach their specific subjects clearly and effectively. He called this combination of content and teaching knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK

Farhangian University as the only center whose mission is teacher training, puts special emphasis on PCK Lately, Farhangian University has held a series of PCK conferences in various fields throughout the country. The Farhangian University of Mazandaran has been selected as the host of the second national PCK conference in English, for its competencies and successful experience in organizing the first English language conference. This conference was the result of numerous round-the-clock efforts of our friends and colleagues at Farhangian University of Mazandaran, English language teachers in Mazandaran Province, and the authorities at Mazandaran General Office of Education. It is worthy to appreciate all those who helped us with this conference because it provided a great opportunity for researchers to share the results of their latest studies on PCK in TEFL.

The Conference Day


As mentioned before, this one-day conference was held on Thursday,April 19, 2018 (Farvardin30, 1397).


The conference began with the reception of the participants at 8:00 am and at the opening ceremony, first, Dr. Ahmad Kasaian, the Acting President of Mazandaran Farhangian University welcomed the audience. Subsequently, Mr. Zarafshan, the Deputy of Minister of Education, and Mr. Nikzad, the Director General of Mazandaran Education Office, gave their speeches.  After a short break, scientific lectures began with keynote and featured speakers of the conference. The first speaker was Dr. Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab, associate professor of TEFL at  Shahid Beheshti University. His lecture was “Classroom Assessment in the Context of Reform: Issues and Considerations”.

His presentation set forth views on those aspects of reform in the English curriculum of Iranian high schools which support assessment for learning. He outlined the principles and strategies which pertain to this type of assessment in an attempt to highlight the need for initiating structural changes to support shifts in high school assessment culture. He added that as high school assessment culture is considered resistant to innovative changes; an attempt is made to outline the inhibiting and facilitating factors in the process of implementing formative assessment. The relevant issues discussed were then related to assessment literacy and teachers’ professional growth. The implications of changes in assessment culture for teacher training and development were also discussed.

The second lecture was delivered by Dr. Mohammad Nabi Karimi, Associate Professor at Kharazmi University, Tehran. The title of his presentation was, “A Pedagogical Knowledge Base (PKB) Informed Approach to EFL Teachers' Performance Assessment”. An overview of his speech follows:

    “Teaching – especially language teaching –is often conceptualized, in layman’s terms, as a rather simple “activity” any person can carry out, in line, to a large extent, with the “Born Expertise” position on teacher knowledge (Freeman, 2016). It is sometimes simplistically equated with knowledge of the subject matter or, at times, “generously” with a reductionist version of the “Made-Over-Time” position (Freeman, 2016) as a simple set of techniques or teaching behaviors to be mastered in teacher training courses and blindly replicated in classroom. However, teaching can be alternatively characterized as knowledge work (Thiessen, 2000) – a performance backed by a substantial body of knowledge types. While outlining the types of knowledge backing teachers’ performance, the present talk emphasizes the necessity of incorporating such knowledge into any model aimed at assessing EFL teachers’ classroom performance. The talk further highlights the significance of the awareness of such knowledge in preventing “routinization” as a threat to teachers’ classroom performance.”

The last plenary speaker was Dr. Khalil Mtallebzadeh , Associate Professor at Islamic Azad University, Mashhad.He made a lecture with this title: Teacher Education for 21st century EFL Teachers: A Model for Quality Assurance.Below, you can see a summary of his discussions:

        “As the world witnessed drastic changes at the beginning of 21st century and the postmodern perspective received more attention, teacher education was expected to embark on a more qualitative and post-transmitting framework.  The transforming teacher education goes beyond local standards and seeks developing a global identity (Kumaravadivelu 2012). This can mainly happen through helping present and prospective teachers develop their own personal knowledge rather than practice models offered by others. In the current century, the purpose of teacher education is not merely limited to policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge they require to perform their tasks in the classroom; it should rather empower them with attitudes, behaviors and skills for effective performance in classroom, school and wider community as well as being responsible for the future generation. To support the productivity and effectiveness of the teacher education in the 21st century, the authorities should develop a culture which recognizes the importance of quality and quality assurance. Meanwhile, Sanyal (2013) maintains that the quality of teacher education can be observed by the extent to which it satisfies the minimum standard set through inputs, processes and outcomes. The purpose of the present plenary will be twofold: first, a definition of quality for the postmodern world will be discussed. Second, the ingredients of a high-quality teacher education model for EFL teachers will be introduced.”

After this speech, the participants went to have their lunch and a short break. In the afternoon, three workshops were held, and at the same time, 32 selected papers were presented. Here is the list of workshops:


Second National Conference on PCK in English

The conference ended at 7:30 pm. The abstracts of the plenary speeches, workshops and presented papers were published in the conference proceedings and the full papers in a labelled compact disc.

This conference was the result of numerous round-the-clock efforts of our friends and colleagues at Farhangian University of Mazandaran, English language teachers in Mazandaran Province, and the authorities at Mazandaran General Office of Education






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