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SQ3Rs: Let's Read and Discover

SQ3Rs: Let's Read and Discover
SQ3Rs is a reading strategy which involves students in the reading process quite well. SQ3Rs stands for: survey, question, read, recite, and review. Teachers can use this strategy to work on any reading text. This strategy covers all three aspects of pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading phases. In the following section, the above-mentioned terms will be explained as the lesson goes on.



Quick Guide: Reading Strategy, Student Engagement

Proficiency level: intermediate and above

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Activity time: 45 minutes

Materials: Course book or a reading text, classroom board


SQ3Rs is a reading strategy which involves students in the reading process quite well. SQ3Rs stands for: survey, question, read, recite, and review. Teachers can use this strategy to work on any reading text. This strategy covers all three aspects of pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading phases. In the following section, the above-mentioned terms will be explained as the lesson goes on.


Step 1 (Survey): The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures, text title, and the heading and sub-headings to predict the content of the text. They write sentences like:

I predict that ……

This stage is important because students try to guess the content of the text. Moreover, students’ background knowledge is activated which leads to a better comprehension of the text on the part of the students.

For this lesson, the teacher selected the text entitled: “Endangered Animals” on page 22, grade 10.

Step 2 Question: The teacher invites students to write (create) some questions based on the picture of the text, title of the text, and the headings. They are asked to write the questions either on the left-hand side of the reading text or on a separate piece of paper. This motivates students to skim read the text and write some questions to make their reading purposeful. Some sample questions are:

1. What is the meaning of endangered animals?

2. Why are they endangered?

3. Where do these animals live?

4. How can we support them?

Step 3 Read: For this stage, students are invited to read the text quickly and find answers to the proposed questions. This can be done in pairs which means students can exchange their books (texts) and find answers to the questions written by their peers. They then check their answers with the text. This phase is a while-reading activity which is considered the main step of the process. Some probable answers to the above-mentioned questions are:

5. It means that we can find only a few of them around us.

6. Humans destroy the natural homes of the animals in the forests, lakes, and plains. They cut trees and destroy lakes. They make houses and roads instead.

7. Nature and plains of Iran

8. We can support them by paying more attention to nature, learning about saving wildlife, and deciding not to hunt anymore.


Step 4 Recite: In this phase, the teacher asks the students to summarize the text and recite the summary to their partners. They also underline the key points in the reading text.

Step 5 Review: In the last stage, the teacher asks the students to look at the underlined words and sentences. Students are supposed to recite the main point in thair mind first and then tell them to their peers.


SQ3Rs is a complete procedure for reading comprehension including a pre-reading activity (Survey and Question), a While-reading activity (Read), and a Post-reading reading (Recite and Review). It is very important to involve students in the reading process in order to make the class more student-centred.


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